
Dun (nDn/DnDn) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A dark stripe along the back; can be accompanied by striping on the face, shoulders, and legs.


Dark blue - Dorsal stripe range. Light blue - optional other dun striping range.
Rixixi Dun by magmatixiRixixi Primal Dun by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Dun by magmatixi
  • Edges should be hard or soft. They should not be fully blurred out.
  • Must be a darker shade of the base color.
  • Dorsal stripe is mandatory, but additional striping on the shoulders/tail/wrists/ankles/forehead is an optional design choice! Feel free to add that or leave it out as you please!
  • There is no minimum range (other than the dorsal stripe being mandatory), but it should appear visibly on the design.


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 Cherry Cola 0284 by magmatixi Aropiru 0285 by magmatixi
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